Tuesday 16 March 2010

A Tuesday sunny morning at my desk

As for any project or indeed for anything we do, the most difficult is to get started. I have done a few things already to prepare my world tour. First, I've formulated the project, then I've organised the time, making sure I terminated my current employment and that I would not start another one before having accomplished my project. Starting this blog is another building block. As it stands, the idea is to visit places and/or countries I have not yet visited with a view of meeting friends or friends of friends (the network) and learn from them. Learn what? Learn about business, economy, culture, wisdom, learn what I do not yet know.

In fact, I have started.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Getting started

I have conceived the project of touring the world visiting friends and satisfying the curiosity fed by the last 10 years in the metal trading business. I have come to the metal trading after attending the PED at IMD in Lausanne in 2001. There, I met a wonderful bunch of people some of whom I have staid in contact. We have done class reunions over those years. Now, some of them are in the US, Canada, Brazil, Russia and obviously China. On top, in my metal years, I have met other people from again China but also India. Now, that I have the chance to leave my current employer, I decided to undergo a world tour "à la manière de Marco Polo". That means discovering the current world with the eyes of a businessman.